Do you have issues calculating how much you need to pay with the Form 1040-ES quarterly estimated tax voucher ?
As a tax professional, I find that an updated QuickBooks Online file is THE BEST resource for calculating estimated quarterly income tax payments.
TAX TIP: If the tool I linked to below seems overwhelming or confusing to you, please consider trying QuickBooks software to SIMPLIFY calculating and paying Estimated Taxes (TRY QuickBooks Online — CLICK HERE to try FREE 30 days)
QUICKBOOKS ONLINE now offers a SELF EMPLOYED version that will calculate your Schedule C for you!
Click on the link above to get a Free 30 day trial of QuickBooks Self-Employed. QuickBooks Self-Employed is designed for employed, &/or small business owners to track self-employment income, expenses, and estimated tax payments.
Or, try calculating your own Estimated Tax yourself w/this 1040-es calculator tool:
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