Title: If you skipped paying the IRS a fourth quarter 2012 Estimated Tax payment on January 15, 2013, did you know that you have another chance to avoid the penalties associated with paying your estimates late? break Description:. File your 2012 Form 1040, (Individual income Tax Return) and pay any balance due by Jan. 31, 2013 and avoid being penalized for paying your final estimate late. If you miss your fourth quarter 1040-ES Estimated Tax payment deadline (on Jan. 15, 2013) you can still avoid a penalty if you file your tax return by January 31, 2013 and pay any tax due. To qualify, you MUST pay all tax owed on the return. This may be done either online or by mailing a check with the return.
It’s best not to wait until the last minute, but if you find yourself at the post office at the very last minute, you certainly won’t be the only one there. If you must mail your tax return at the last possible minute, please get a receipt. Generally, if you owe taxes, being late with paying them &/or filing your tax returns can cause you to pay more, as you’ll incur additional penalties. (Tip: Hire an excellent bookkeeper to avoid last minute emergencies, hint, hint…) Latest Date to File Tax Return to avoid penalties, if you owed but did not file the 4th quarter estimate: 2013-01-31
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