DID YOU KNOW? Figuring out estimated taxes can be a big PITA if you don’t have a bookkeeping system…and doing your own books can be even more overwhelming….until now! If you pay estimated tax, and your income fluctuates, you may wish to adjust estimated tax installments you owe throughout the year, say if you’re not earning as…
Tag Archive for retail business
Use QuickBooks for your Retail Business

It doesn’t matter what type of cash register or POS system you may use in your retail business, it’s easy to integrate it with Quickbooks to record your daily sales activity off of your POS or cash register’s closing reports. (This is Second of a Two-Part Series on Retail Bookkeeping & Accounting. You may wish…
Effective Inventory

Implementing an information management system is a lot like painting a house. When you paint a house, the success of the job is dependent on the preparation of the surface before the paint is applied. Even if you use the most expensive paint available, if the surface has not been scraped and sanded, the paint will just peel off.
Likewise, the most expensive system will not deliver the results expected by a distributor unless it is operating in a business environment that ensures inventory accuracy.
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