Did you know that when your cursor is sitting in any QuickBooks “date field”, you may use the plus (+) and minus (-) signs to change the date forward or backwards?

Not just a plus or a minus sign, in QB they can change dates too!
And if your keyboard has a numeric keypad on the left side, you can use either set of keys (as long as “num lock” is activated, for the keys located on the number pad to work).
Try it! (If you are like me, you will use this all the time!)
And here are a couple MORE Things You Can Do with THE DATE FIELD:
TODAY: Use the “T” to quickly jump to Today’s date.
MONTH: Use “M” or “H” to advance the MontH forward (M) or backward (H).
YEAR: Use “Y” or “R” to advance the YeaR forward (Y) or backward (R)